Video Deposition Essentials


The deposition is a crucial element and in many cases. With video depositions, a court reporter service can capture interest, keep a jury’s attention, and influence opinions. Video is a richer and more advanced tool than the stenographic transcript, thus can greatly increase the attorney’s chance of success during the trial.

Benefits of a court reporter services

Some court reporter services include creating video depositions which provide the greatest tool for both witness presentation and impeachment. Video recordings of deposition usually consist of valuable, in-depth information which a transcript cannot provide, thus litigators do not have to point out inconsistencies in witness testimony. Video depositions allow for greater flexibility and thus substantially save time, transportation, and lodging expenses for all parties involved.\

Depositions can be lengthy procedures, but under the guidance of legal counsel and an experienced court reporter, deponents can stay focused and motivated on getting all of the pertinent facts committed to evidence promptly thus making sure that the deponent does not wander off the subject and provide a meandering testimony.

The importance of trusting and utilizing the service of a certified court reporter

A certified court reporting specialist has the training necessary to adhere to courtroom standards. A certified legal specialist takes the proper precautions and utilizes professional equipment when filming a deposition to ensure that the integrity of the quality of the video is captured. Hire a court reporter who is knowledgeable and understands the court requirements for the city, state, or county where the deposition will be presented.

Additionally, a certified court reporter can assist in finding the right location to take the testimony and is aware of the fact that the selected location must be soundproof or quiet enough for an effective video deposition.

Preparing the deponent for the deposition

Before taking the deposition, the court reporter will properly prepare the deponent for the testimony on eye contact, body language, and other verbal and non-verbal cues that aid in determining a favorable verdict. It is also important for all parties to speak clearly and concisely with proper pronunciation.

Video deposition as the future of legal court disputes

Thankfully litigators are becoming aware of the numerous benefits of video depositions. Benefits, which range from pretrial to closing arguments, cannot be overlooked. For more information about Lowery & Associates’s video deposition or court reporter service, contact us today.

Lowery & Associates